TBM是一家全球性的运营管理咨询公司,通过为客户打造全价值链卓越运营体系,帮助客户在最短的时间内实现企业价值***化并促其快速增长。TBM is a global operations management consulting firm that leverages Operational Excellence to help companies accelerate business results and maximize enterprise value. TBM works side-by-side with their clients to accelerate value creation, who in many cases achieve long-term growth rates 3-5x their industry average and EBITDA growth at least 2x their top line.
  • 外企行政专员[ 上海-浦东新区 ]
  • 业务拓展经理[ 上海-浦东新区 ]
  • 联系方式
    公司地址: 浦东新区世纪大道1600号陆家嘴广场3楼303室
    邮政编码: 200122