VAUTID GmbH, with headquarter in Stuttgart, was founded by Dr. Hans Wahl in 1945. Today, the international VAUTID Group employs around 350 staff members in 10 offices, research laboratories, production sites, and a dense distribution network spanning all continents. VAUTID is a consulting and manufacturing company – the world’s leading system specialist in wear protection through casting and welding technology.
法奥迪公司的全球总部位于德国的斯图加特,由汉斯·瓦博士(Dr. Hans Wahl)于1945年创立。时至今日,法奥迪集团在全球拥有10家分公司及办事处、研究中心、生产工厂,约350名员工,形成了遍布各大洲的密集销售网络。法奥迪公司是一家咨询和制造公司,是世界领先的铸造和焊接技术耐磨系统专家。
VAUTID (Shanghai) Wear Resistant Material Trading Co., Ltd (hereinafter VAUTID China) is a whole wholly-owned subsidiaries of VAUTID GmbH. VAUTID China was founded in 2005, responsible for China market.

  • 技术经理( 上海-静安区 )

  • 公司地址: 上海市静安区梅园路228号企业广场2911室
    邮政编码: 200070
